Doctors should follow these measures:The fourth case of infection with the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) has been confirmed in Germany. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and the “Task Force Infectiology” of the Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL) now inform doctors about measures to control infections. Read here what you should consider in your practice.
The coronavirus has also reached Germany. The novel respiratory disease, which can trigger severe pneumonia, was diagnosed in four people from the district of Starnberg in Bavaria. For this reason, measures to protect against the coronavirus have now been formulated by an official body.
German coronavirus infected clinically stable and isolated
According to the Bavarian State Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, all four patients are currently in hospital at Munich Clinic Schwabing, where they are medically monitored and isolated. Her clinical condition is good, the ministry said. A further 40 contact persons are currently running tests and surveys to clarify infection with the coronavirus.
4,552 infected in China alone, 106 deaths.
Over the weekend, the number of infected people worldwide has skyrocketed: There are currently more than 4,500 reported cases of coronavirus infections in China, the main distribution country. So far, 106 patients have died there from the consequences of respiratory disease. A further 55 cases of illness were diagnosed outside the People's Republic - but there have never been any deaths here
The coronavirus has also reached Germany. The novel respiratory disease, which can trigger severe pneumonia, was diagnosed in four people from the district of Starnberg in Bavaria. For this reason, measures to protect against the coronavirus have now been formulated by an official body.
German coronavirus infected clinically stable and isolated
According to the Bavarian State Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, all four patients are currently in hospital at Munich Clinic Schwabing, where they are medically monitored and isolated. Her clinical condition is good, the ministry said. A further 40 contact persons are currently running tests and surveys to clarify infection with the coronavirus.
4,552 infected in China alone, 106 deaths.
Over the weekend, the number of infected people worldwide has skyrocketed: There are currently more than 4,500 reported cases of coronavirus infections in China, the main distribution country. So far, 106 patients have died there from the consequences of respiratory disease. A further 55 cases of illness were diagnosed outside the People's Republic - but there have never been any deaths here
What is the coronavirus?
Coronaviruses were first discovered in the mid-1960s. They can infect humans as well as various animals, including birds and mammals. Coronaviruses can cause various diseases in humans, from common colds to dangerous or even potentially fatal diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). In the past, severe diseases caused by coronaviruses, such as SARS or MERS, were less easily communicable than influenza, but have nevertheless led to major outbreaks.
Coronaviruses were first discovered in the mid-1960s. They can infect humans as well as various animals, including birds and mammals. Coronaviruses can cause various diseases in humans, from common colds to dangerous or even potentially fatal diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). In the past, severe diseases caused by coronaviruses, such as SARS or MERS, were less easily communicable than influenza, but have nevertheless led to major outbreaks.
In the case of the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV, Chinese researchers have now shown a strong resemblance to the SARS virus. The scientists had made the virus visible under the electron microscope and published the results in the New England Journal of Medicine. It was found that the gene sequence of the novel coronavirus was approximately 87 percent identical to two SARS-like coronaviruses that had already been discovered in bats.
Unlike in the case of the SARS virus, the incubation period of 2019-nCoV is longer with up to 14 days. This is the particular danger of the virus: Long before the onset of the disease, infected people are already contagious without even noticing their illness. If they continue to move unrestrictedly, they will spread the virus. In this way, experts assume that the disease could spread rapidly worldwide.
Unlike in the case of the SARS virus, the incubation period of 2019-nCoV is longer with up to 14 days. This is the particular danger of the virus: Long before the onset of the disease, infected people are already contagious without even noticing their illness. If they continue to move unrestrictedly, they will spread the virus. In this way, experts assume that the disease could spread rapidly worldwide.
Measures to deal with suspected cases:Among those affected are hospital employees who have been in contact with infected patients. Transmission from person to person is therefore considered confirmed. In order to regulate the handling of infected and suspected cases, the RKI provides security measures for infection protection against the coronavirus for medical practices and clinics on a specially created info page on the coronavirus. Here you will also find a list of the most important questions about the coronavirus and information on testing. An institute infographic also provides an overview of the most important hygiene measures for doctors.
What symptoms do infected people have?Ordinary coronaviruses usually cause mild cold symptoms with cough and runny nose. However, certain coronaviruses can also cause serious infections of the lower respiratory tract and lead to pneumonia. The new coronavirus appears to be associated with a more severe course. In addition to dry cough, fever, fatigue and muscle pain, those affected show a drastic deterioration in their condition within a week, which is associated with shortness of breath. So far, however, deaths have mainly occurred in patients who have previously suffered from serious underlying diseases.
Usual precautions to protect against infection are recommended:"Nevertheless, the usual precautionary measures are recommended - for example, a thorough hand washing after a trip by bus or subway," said Dr. Martin Hoch, head of the Infectiology Task Force at LGL. The scientist went on to explain that the risk of infection from an infection with the novel coronavirus (nCoV) has not yet been scientifically researched.
WHO corrects assessment of international threats:The World Health Organization (WHO) had previously classified the level of risk from the virus as "very high" only for its country of origin, China. Now the institution has corrected its assessment: The international risk is "high", but it does not mean an international health emergency.
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